четвртак, 28. август 2014.

MAXI SKIRT - How to wear it

These skirts have a place in every woman's wardrobe, they are comfy and easy to wear. No matter what your height is you can always pull off wearing a maxi skirt by choosing the right length, matching it well with the top, and also finding the right shoes to accompany the outfit. 
When choosing a maxi skirt, make sure that it starts from your waist or the tiniest part of it. If you feel like you are tripping on it down below, the length of the skirt should be smaller. 
Good thing about owning a maxi skirt is that you can wear that one piece for many occasions. Black, white, rosy, grey, nude, navy blue or a skirt with a nice print, they all can be a perfect choice for an elegant look. Tops with thiny straps look sophisticated. Plain color works great for keeping the elegance too. Choose statement necklaces, big ring, nice pair of heels and a clutch, it all goes well with it. 
The top and the skirt should complement each other in order to keep a nice flow in the outfit.

Casual look

When you're going for more of a casual look, be free to experiment a little.  
Crop tops are the main thing that  goes well with maxis. If you want to show your figure, tight maxi skirt and a crop top with some wrapping heels is a good answer to that. If your tummy is showing out while wearing such short cropped top, don't get overboard with your necklaces, choose something simple, short or the choker necklace perhaps.
Knitted tops are what fashionistas find great to match with this kind of skirt. And why not? As long as it looks good combined and weather appropriate , it's cool.
Tucked shirts and graphic tops are great when you want to keep the look casual.
Hats and big bags are great essentials to go with maxi skirts.
When you want something over it as an extra layer, denim jackets are a good combination. Motor jackets are there for a rock and edgy look. Denim vests and cardigans are in the choices as well.
For a footwear, choose flip flops for a beach. Espadrilles or flats for a walk. Heels for more of a feminine but still casual look, so don't get carried away, choose something simple as heels with one staple and open toes. 

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